Gerontology 302/Psychology 375 

QUIZ   Chapter 5  

You will need to print this to fill it out. It is not interactive.


1.         The finding that individuals become more religious with age is

A.   conclusively demonstrated.

B.   possibly due to older people being more religious when young.

C.   not true because most are not religious at all.

D.   not a legitimate concern of gerontologists and should be left in the area of religion rather than science.


2.         The family life cycle

A.   comes in fixed stages.

B.     is shorter today compared to last century.

C.   reflects the ever changing quality of our family roles.

D.     is static for older people.


3.         Studies of aged siblings indicate

A.   they are primary to all other relationships.

B.   the sister-sister tie is closest.

C.   contact is greatest in middle age and then declines.

D.   few aged persons have siblings alive.


4.         Grandparenthood in the U.S.

A.   tends to be a formal, rather than informal, role.

B.   for an increasing number is becoming a parenting role.

C.     is hardly a role anymore because older people are in the work force and don’t have spare time.

D.   foremost (more than 75%) is a marginal role.


5.         Network analysis

A.     is a study of friends, family, and neighborhood ties.

B.   provides caretakers with community resources.

C.     is done by historians.

D.   shows family ‘hot” spots.


6.         A “convoy” is

A.     a medical social work support system.

B.   supportive family and friends.

C.   neighborhood acquaintances.

D.   the total sum of intimate friends over the life span.


7.         Four and five generation families are on the increase.

A.         True         B.         False


8.         Women tend to be more engaged in network support activities throughout life than men.

A.         True         B.         False



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9.         A study of rural elders found that aged men had more relationships with a wider variety of people than aged women.

A.         True         B.         False



10.         Changes in social situations that come with old age can lead to social isolation.

A.         True         B.         False









































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