CISA 315: Introduction to Electronic Spreadsheets |
Spring 2024 1st 8 weeks (2 Units, course codes 10560/10561
Lecture: Online Lab: Online |
Professor Damon Antos' contact information
Spring 2024 Office Hours: Mon: 11:00am-11:30am (virtual), Tue: 4:00pm-5:20pm (office), Wed: 11:00am-11:30am (virtual) |
This course introduces professional electronic spreadsheet skills that cover the entire spreadsheet production process. Topics include basic skills such as creating a worksheet, entering data, adding formulas and functions, formatting the worksheet, and checking for errors. This course also introduces similar skills essential to creating professional charts from a worksheet. These skills include planning and creating a chart, formatting a chart, summarizing data with sparklines, and identifying data trends.
Course Advisory: CISC 100 (Computer Fundamentals with Hands-on Lab) or CISC 300 (Computer Familiarization)
Required Textbook: All textbook content is provided at no cost by the instructor within the Canvas LMS for the class. Most of the content is derived from Beginning Excel 2019 by Noreen Brown; Barbara Lave; Hallie Puncochar; Julie Romey; Mary Schatz; Art Schneider; and Diane Shingledecker is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. The forementioned textbook is not used in its entirety, and addtional readings and resources are provided with attribution within the Canvas LMS. |
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Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
Quizzes and exams must be taken by the date specified in the course lesson plan. If you know ahead of time that you will need to miss a quiz or exam, arrangements may be made for you to take it early. Additionally, it is understood that at some time during the course an absence is unavoidable, perhaps resulting in a missed quiz. Therefore, the lowest activity, exercise, and quiz scores will be dropped from final grade calculations.
Unless specified otherwise, Activities and Exercises are due by midnight on the date specified in the course lesson plan. Late assignments will be severely penalized. Occasionally, assignments are reviewed during lecture on the due date; and frequently, assignments depend on work to be completed in prior assignments. If work is completed late on an assignment, it may result in a dependent assignment to be late as well. For this reason I strongly discourage late assignments by deducting 10 points for each 24 hour period (or fraction thereof) that it is turned in late.
For classes with a lab component, particularly for hybrid sections with an abbreviated lab period, you might not have enough time to complete your lab assignment during the lab portion of the class. Plan to spend some non-class time to complete it. Additional lab hours are available on campus. During certain times of the day some areas of the Business & Computer Science Lab are reserved for classes, so be sure to check the Open Lab Schedule for information concerning BCS Lab availability.
The grade in this course will be determined by student performance in several areas, and will be weighted as described in the following charts. Extra credit points will occasionally be given in quizzes, exercises, or the final examination.
Each student is evaluated on a number of different dimensions throughout this class:
Quizzes 6 best of 7@30 points each | (180 points) 18.0% |
Activities 13 best of 14@20 points each | (260 points) 26.0% |
Exercises 8@40 points each | (320 points) 32.0% |
Final Examination | (240 points) 24.0% |
Total Points | 1000 points |
Grade Assignment by Total Points | ||
Points Obtained | Total % | Grade Assigned |
900+ | 90% | A |
800+ | 80% | B |
700+ | 70% | C |
600+ | 60% | D |
less than 600 | below 60% | F |
Students are responsible for checking the accuracy of all of their own assignment scores on the class website. If there is a posted score appears to be incorrect, please notify the instructor within three days. If a score is not posted within one week of the due date for any submitted assignment, notify the instructor. Final scores will be posted within five days of the last final exam, and official class grades will be posted within ten days of the end of the term.
All absences in this class are considered unexcused. All students are given the opportunity the drop the lowest grades for most assignments, thus accommodating last-minute sickness or emergencies.
Class participation is required in both face-to-face and on-line sections of this class. During the face-to-face portion of class, attendance will be taken at the start of each class meeting, and again at the end of the daily class activity. Students not present at the end of the day's class activity will not receive credit, and may be considered absent for that day.
Excessive absences may result in withdrawal from this course. LRCCD (Regulation R-2222) specifies that "a student may be dropped from any class when the student's absences exceed six percent (6%) of the total hours of class time." Note: missing one week in a full-term class results in missing at least 6.25% of the total hours of class time. Furthermore, students who have not attended the first session of class will be dropped as a no-show. Students who have not attended at least one of the first three sessions of a class will be dropped as a no-show following the third session of the class.
If you are late or miss class, please take responsibility to find out what you have missed. All class meetings include a mandatory in-class activity. Classes which meet once per week may have multiple activities. If you fail to complete an activity during class, you will be assumed absent for that day. If you attend class but fail to complete the activity, make sure to notify your instructor of your attendance.
The instructor will not review missed lecture material or in-class activities with you. Refer to the class Lecture Notes and Assignments web page for missed notes and assignments.
Do not expect any lecture material to be presented during the lecture period. Hybrid classes employ a flipped classroom technique. Students are expected to study/view lecture videos, screencasts, and online textbooks and quizzes embedded in each class module on Canvas on their own time before attending the corresponding lab. The lecture time for hybrid classes is designed for interactively answering student questions and completing quizzes and exams.
The lab portion of class is conducted separately from lecture. Students will attend the lab section in which they enrolled. Students will always be assigned a new activity to complete during each lab, but due to the nature of the hybrid modality, lab time is compressed. It is expected that students will have time to begin each activity during the interactive lab session, and perhaps substantially complete it by the end of the session, but it is not expected. Students will, however, have enough time to make significant progress, and get questions answered relating to the lab before lab time expires. Furthermore, lab activities are ungraded. Any reasonable attempt may be submitted at the end of the lab session to receive full points. It is at the option (and highly encouraged) for the student to continue work on the lab activity and submit a more complete final version by midnight. Many lab submissions require a peer review the following day-it is in your own best interest to submit a complete assignment to receive the most useful feedback from your peers.
Missing the on-line orientation is equivalent to attending the first day of class. Absences are determined from the percentage of missed Zoom meeting sessions, quizzes, discussion board postings and other assignments, and late assignment submissions. You are expected to complete all assignments on time. E.g. missing three of six assignments during one week in an eight-week class is equivalent to missing 6.25% of total class time. (Missing one week of an eight week class is missing 12.5% of class; one-half is 6.25%.)
If you want or need to drop the class, you may do so by using the on-line eServices enrollment and registration system. The instructor's signature is not required to drop a class. Students must drop themselves officially from the class, or they will be assigned an "F" grade in the class. DO NOT assume that the instructor will automatically drop you off the class roster—it is the student's responsibility to officially drop their class.
Students who may need an academic accommodation based on the impact of a disability and who require instructional, curricular, or test accommodations are responsible for making such needs known to the instructor as early as possible. Every possible effort will be made to accommodate students in a timely and confidential manner. Individuals who request accommodations must be registered with the Disability Services and Programs for Students (DSPS) Office, which authorizes accommodations for students with disabilities. Contact the office by phone: 916.484.8382, email:, or video phone: 916.993.3087
All face-to-face and on-line students are welcome to take advantage of the instructor's on-campus office hours. Telephone calls are not answered during virtual office hours, or office hours scheduled in a lab classroom. If leaving a voice-mail message, please clearly state your name and a phone number or an alternative method of reaching you such as an email address.
As for all on-line communication, please be respectful and refer to a netiquette guide before emailing or posting to discussion boards.
Students are encouraged to ask or answer class content questions on the general Tips and Tricks discussion board on the class website. Please do not email your instructor directly for answers on these questions. All students are given the opportunity to review this board periodically, and respond to fellow students when able. (If, after fellow students are unable to respond to your question, then you will receive your instructor's response on the discussion board.) All interactions on this discussion board are looked upon favorably by the instructor. At the end of the class term, students earning a borderline final score that provide significant assistance on this discussion board will be assigned the higher class letter grade.
Questions of a more specific nature, such as individual scores and feedback on individual assessments, students should email the class instructor directly. On Monday through Thursday, you should generally expect a response within twenty-four hours. Emails received during virtual office hours are responded to within one hour.
All assignments and due dates are listed on the Lesson Plan page. However, both online and face-to-face students tend to forget an assignment or two during the term. Expect a weekly email reminder from your instructor regarding assignments due and upcoming course topics. Check your email frequently.
When entering the classroom or computer lab, students are responsible for turning off all cell phones, pagers or any other device which would, in the opinion of the instructor, distract the activities in class. Only students registered in this class are allowed in our classroom or computer lab; children and other family members are not allowed.
No copying, plagiarism, or collaboration will be tolerated in this class. Unless the instructor specifies otherwise, all work assigned in this class, including homework, laboratory, and application or programming assignments, and all examinations, are to be individual efforts. This means that students may discuss their assignments with others, but the actual work must be completed individually.
Every student is required to actively participate to ensure the success of the class assignments. Students are encouraged to discuss problems and/or help each other in Labs and work together to facilitate the learning process, however all students must do their own homework, quizzes and lab assignments. Any copying, plagiarism or "duplicate printing" of any part of homework or lab assignments is expressly forbidden and may result in penalties. The following is a list of examples of Academic Dishonesty.
Students will receive a grade of "Zero" or "F" for the current assignment. If the assignment is a large percentage of the grade, or the student has demonstrated academic dishonesty on multiple occasions during the course, the student may receive a failing grade. A report of all incidents of Academic Dishonesty will be documented and sent to the Student Discipline Officer. Multiple incidences could lead to suspension and or expulsion from the Los Rios Community College District.
These actions may also apply to students who knowingly or unknowingly allow their work to be copied—keep your work secure.
Personal behavior that promotes an atmosphere favorable to effective instruction and learning is always appropriate. Concern and respect for others both in the classroom and on-line contribute to such an environment. Students should cooperate by willingly demonstrating interest and responsibility throughout this class. Please
Students shall comply with the following standards of conduct while in the Classroom and Labs.
Lesson | Topics | Assignment |
Sat, Jan 13 |
First 8 week classes begin
Activities and Exercises are due by midnight on the date due unless it is stated otherwise.
Monday, January 15 | Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthdayay | |
Wed, Jan 17 |
Wednesday, January 17 is last day to drop this class without notation on record, and to qualify for tuition refund. |
Thu, Jan 18 |
Fri, Jan 19 |
Friday, February 23 is last day to withdraw from this class with a "W" notation on record.
Mon, Jan 22 |
Wed, Jan 24 |
Thu, Jan 25 |
Fri, Jan 26 |
Mon, Jan 29 |
Wed, Jan 31 |
Thu, Feb 1 |
Fri, Feb 2 |
Mon, Feb 5 |
Wed, Feb 7 |
Thu, Feb 8 |
Fri, Feb 9 |
Mon, Feb 12 |
Wed, Feb 14 |
Thu, Feb 15 |
Friday, February 16 | Abraham Lincoln's Birthday | |
Sat, Feb 17 |
Monday, February 19 | George Washingon's Birthday | |
Tue, Feb 20 |
Wed, Feb 21 |
Thu, Feb 22 |
Fri, Feb 23 |
Mon, Feb 26 |
Wed, Feb 28 |
Thu, Feb 29 |
Fri, Mar 1 |
Mon, Mar 4 |
Wed, Mar 6 |
Fri, Mar 8 |