
How to use D2L and the Materials for this course:
Welcome to this class. Please read this document carefully to understand the structure of the D2L site and how to access assignments and course materials.

Dreamweaver (version CS4 - 6):
You can purchase Dreamweaver through the bookstore or find good deals online. There are different Creative Suite Packages available through Adobe. The Web Premium as well as the full Master Suite include Dreamweaver. Go to the link below for more information:

Sites to find software


We will use the Lynda.com video tutorials for this course. I have created a class with 5 selected courses you get access to. As soon as you receive the welcome email you can sign up. Cost is aproximately $40. If you already have an account you don't need to sign up for this class.
Check out Lynda

Book: I recommend getting a Dreamweaver book in addition. I personally like the visual Quickstart series from Peachpit. Go look at a couple of different options and get a book that suits your learning style.

Office hours
I will be in the online classroom every morning except Tuesdays, Saturdays and Sundays, usually from 9:00 - 11:00.

Post questions regarding the course in the Discussion board under "Questions for the Professor . Email me with personal issues and grading questions. Enter "401" into your subject line in addition to your title of your email.

D2L Home page: Check here for weekly announcements. I often address questions students ask in their emails to bring to a larger audience. Generally I post most information in this area and sent emails only occasionally.

Content: This area has links to the syllabus, the course orienttation page, the rubrics for assignment grades and the course site as well as links to helpful resource web sites.

Course site: contains all the materials and instructions for this course.
Please bookmark the URL: http://ic.arc.losrios.edu/~ruessj
Please click through the site to familiarize yourself with the content.
The course site has three main categories:

* Videos, visually presenting key concepts
* Materials on Dreamweaver, design, design elements, concepts and theory
* Assignments Instructions

In the Assignment section I list all activities and readings you need to complete for each Assignment. Read the information carefully and follow the guidelines given in the instructions.

Discussion Board: All assignments are submitted via the Discussion Board. Each week you will post the URL to your web site and a summery of your process as well as other tasks in ONE post. For full points you need to reply at least twice a week to other students posts. This means three posts a week. Each Forum is named for each Assignment and has slighlty different requiremrnts so please read carefully.

Grades: This area holds your Grades. Grades will be posted at least 5 days after the assignment due dates (usually faster). Please refer to the rubrics for detailed grading information. Check your grades and my feedback weekly.

Late work and Grading Guidelines: Assignments posted after the due date will be reduced by up to 10% per day. Assignments submitted more then five days after they were due may receive 50% of the grade and will not receive feedback from the instructor. To ensure feedback, all work should be posted by the date it is due.
No late replies to other students are accepted.