Shape tweening
Motion tweening
Shape tweening
Create an animation using a shape tween: One shape morphs into another.
If you animate more then one shape make sure they are on their own layer.
- Call the movie shape.fla and save it into the Flash folder.
- Modify Document: dimensions 600 x 450, give background color
- Select frame1 and insert a blank keyframe (F7)
- Use paint tools to draw a shape in frame1.
- Select frame 50 on the same layer and insert a blank keyframe (F7)
- Draw another shape in frame 50.
- Select somewhere between frame1 and 50 and choose "shape"
in the tween drop down window in the properties inspector.
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Motion tweening
Create an animation using a motion tween: An object moves across the stage.
If you move more then one object make sure they are on seperate layers.
- Call the movie motion.fla and save it into the Flash folder.
- Modify Document: dimensions 600 x 450, give background color.
- Draw a background image on layer1(call layer1 "background")
- Lock the background layer.
- Insert a new layer and name it "motion".
- Select frame1on the layer "motion" and insert a blank keyframe
- Use paint tools to draw an object in frame1.
- Select the whole object with the arrow tool.
- Go to Insert/Convert to symbol.
- Choose "graphic" and give a name.
- Open the library: Window/Library
- See that your object is now stored in the library
- Select frame 50 on the same layer and insert a keyframe (F6):
by doing so you copy the content of frame 1 into frame 50.
- Move the object in frame 50 to another location on the stage.
- Use the transform tool to change its' size.
- Use the color drop down menu in the properties inspector and change the
alpha channel to 0.
- Select somewhere between frame1 and 50 and choose "motion"
in the tween drop down window in the properties inspector.
- Test the movie.
- If you want to stop the movie insert a new layer and call it actions.
- Insert a blank keyframe (F7) in frame 50.
- Open the actions panel and under basic actions double-click "stop".
- Test the movie again.
- Insert another layer and drag the symbol out of the library onto the stage.
- Select frame 50 and insert a keyframe (F6)
- Move and modify the symbol in frame 50.
- Select in-between frame 1 and 50 and choose motion tween once more.
- Test movie.
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Design a flash movie that holds two buttons.Call it index.fla.
One button links to the shape tween and the other one links to the motion tween.
Use actions to either load your swf movies into the button file or get URL (the
html files).
Read and understand the publishing process in Flash. How many files do
you get and why?
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