Behaviors are java scripts, accessible
through the Behaviors panel
Behaviors add Java Scripts to
your page, which define events you couldn't define with simple HTML. The basic
behaviors available in Dreamweaver are those commonly used to enhance navigation and interactivity in a website. The script for a behavior is located in the head of a
document and referred to in the body.
Behaviors are a combination of an Event and an Action.
Use the Behaviors panel to attach behaviors to page elements and to modify parameters of previously attached behaviors.
Attaching Behaviors
Open the Behaviors panel: Window/Behaviors Note: The tag that's currently
selected in the Document window appears in the title bar of the Behaviors
panel. If no behaviors appear in the behavior list, then no behaviors have been
attached to the currently selected element.
The Behaviors panel has
the following options:
Add (+) is a drop-down menu of Behaviors which
can be attached to selected elements or tags. When you choose an action
from this list, a dialog box appears in which you can specify parameters for
the behavior. If all of the actions are dimmed, then there are no events that can
be attached to the selected element.
Delete (-) removes the selected event and
action from the behavior list.
Up and down arrow
buttons move the
selected action up or down in the behavior list for a particular event.
After a Behavior is applied you will see displayed in the Behaviors panel. A drop-down manu names the Events that can trigger the action. This menu is
visible only when an event in the behavior list is selected. Different events
appear depending on the object selected.
The Behavior itself, which can be modified by double clicking.
How to attach a Behavior
Select an element on the
page, such as an image or a link.
To attach a behavior to
the entire page, click the <body> tag in the tag selector at the bottom left of the Document window.
Choose Window / Behaviors
to open the Behaviors panel.
The HTML tag of the
selected object appears in the title bar of the Behavior panel.
Click the Plus (+) button
and choose an action from the drop-down menu.
Actions that are dimmed
in the menu can't be chosen. They may be dimmed because a required object
doesn't exist in the current document. |
Enter parameters for the
behavior, and click OK.
Open New Browser
Opening a new window with a specified width and height is the goal of this script.
It is often used to present works of visual art or to provide a larger view of a thumbnail.
You need to html pages before you apply the behavior:
1. A page that contains a link.
2. A page that will be displayed in a smaller window once you click the link.
Select text or image and insert a "#" into the link text box in the Properties
inspector. This is called a "blind Link" meaning a link that points to the page itself.
1. The text or image still selected open the Behaviors Panel under Windows/Behaviors
2. In the Behaviors panel click "+" and choose the "Open New Browser Window" Behavior.
3. Browse to the html file that you want to display in the window.
4. Enter the a width and a height for the window.
5. Check boxes of attributes that you want to apply to the window, like scroll bars or other menu bars. The simplest cleanest window is one without any attributes. Click "Okay".
You see a short description of the behavior added in the Behaviors panel.
The first part shows the event meaning what the user needs to do. You can change
the event when you click on the text string. Usually "on click" is used in this case.
this image is linked as described above
and when you click on it it will open a window
displaying a larger version of the same image
... check it out
Note: By double clicking on the
action in the behaviors palette the same window will re-open and you can make adjustments
Swap image
"Swapping" means to replace one image with another image while rolling over a third image. Swap image can be used to create a
rollover, simply by "swapping" the image itself. This Behavior can also be used to roll over one image
and swap one or more images in other locations within the page. This behavior is helpful in presenting several images that are displayed within a page by rolling over or clicking on thumbnails and showing a larger version in another location as shown below. View the following example:
When rolling over this thumbnail a larger version of the image appears on the right and replaces the current image |
NOTE: If you have Photoshop, re-size your images to thumbnails (recommended: 100px x 100px) and larger versions, all of the same size. See example above. Also create a 1x1px transparent gif to hold the space in the stage area or an image of the size of the larger versions. (View the example above). The transparent gif can be sized later in the Properties in Dreamweaver to whatever size you need.
1. Build your page layout using CSS creating a stage area and navigation area for the thumbnails.
3. Insert your image thumbnails into the navigation area.
4. Insert a transparent gif or other image of the correct size into the stage area.
Note: all other images loaded into this area will have the size of the initial image.
5. Select each thumbnail and stage image and name them in the Properties Inspector under ID. This name is the target name for the Java script..
6. Select the first thumbnail and open the Behaviors
palette (Window/Behaviors)
7. Choose the swap image behavior from the drop-down menu
8. In the window that opens select the target name of the stage image. This is the image you want to replace when rolling over the thumbnail.
9. Browse to the image that you want to replace the initial stage image with. The replacement image should be the larger version of the thumbnail image.
10. click okay.
11. Check your Mouse Event, the first string of code that is now added to the behaviors panel once you select the thumbnail.
12. Test in browser.
The result of this Script will be that rolling over the thumbnail image replaces the initial stage image
with a a larger version of the thumbnail image.
The result of this action
script would be that rolling over the thumbnail image the black image
will be replaced by a third image.
Check plugins
If you decided to use swf
or sound files in your project you can enter a script that checks if the user
has the plugin needed to view the site.
Select the <body> tag
in the low left corner of the document window
Open the behaviors palette
Choose check plugin
In the dialog box choose
which plugin to check
You can send the user to
the adobe website to download the plugin
You can create an
alternative site that doesn't need the plugin