1234 Northern Star Circle
Baltimore, MD 12345
H: (410) 555-1212; W: (410) 555-2121


Client Server Systems Architect for a high technology firm.

Nine years of experience in designing, installing, and troubleshooting computing systems; a proven track record in identifying problems and developing innovative solutions.
  • PROGRAMMING: C, C++, Visual BASIC, FORTRAN, Pascal, SQL, OSF/Motif, UNIX Shell Script (sh, ksh, csh), BASIC, Clipper, Algol 68, and 80X86 Assembler.
  • OPERATING SYSTEMS: UNIX (bsd & SVr3/r4), MS Windows, MS DOS, MS Windows NT, Solaris, HP-UX, Ultrix, AIX, VAX/VMS, and Macintosh System 7.
  • NETWORKING: TCP/IP, OSI, Microsoft LAN Manager, Novell Netware, DDN, Internet, Ethernet, Token Ring, SNA, X.25, LAN-WAN interconnection.
  • APPLICATIONS: Microsoft Office, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Visual C++, Microsoft Project, Microsoft Publisher, Lotus 123, Lotus Freelance, System Architect, and others.
  • Systems Engineer
  • Computer Engineering Corporation, Los Angeles, CA, 1993-Present
  • Provide systems engineering, software engineering, technical consulting, and marketing services as a member of the Systems Integration Division of a software engineering consulting company.
  • Designed and managed the development of an enterprise-level client/server automated auditing application for a major financial management company migrating from mainframe computers, db2, and FOCUS to a workgroup oriented, client/server architecture involving Windows for Workgroups, Windows NT Advanced Server, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle7, and UNIX.
  • Designed an enterprise level, high performance, mission-critical, client/server database system incorporating symmetric multiprocessing computers (SMP), Oracle7’s Parallel Server, Tuxedo’s on-line transaction processing (OLTP) monitor, and redundant array of inexpensive disks (RAID) technology.
  • Conducted extensive trade studies of a large number of vendors that offer leading-edge technologies; these studies identified proven (low-risk) implementations of SMP and RDBMS systems that met stringent performance and availability criteria.
  • Systems Analyst
  • Business Consultants, Inc., Washington, DC 1990-1993
  • Provided technical consulting services to the Smithsonian Institute’s Information Technology Services Group, Amnesty International, and internal research and development initiatives.
  • Consolidated and documented the Smithsonian Laboratory's Testing, Demonstration, and Training databases onto a single server, maximizing the use of the laboratory's computing resources.
  • Brought the Smithsonian Laboratory on-line with the Internet.
  • Successfully integrated and delivered to Amnesty International an $80,000 HP 9000/750 Server consisting of 8 Gigabytes of disk space and 9 software systems that required extensive porting work and documentation.
  • Automated Data Processor
  • US Army Infantry, Germany 1986-1990
  • Analyzed problems and ADP processes; designed, tested, and implemented software and hardware systems for an organizational operations center.
  • Supervised the maintenance, deployment, installation, and operation of a battalion's personnel system that monitored and controlled up to 12 platoons in a fast-paced, technically demanding environment.
  • Designed a maintenance reporting program that converted the labor intensive task of producing weekly status reports from a 4-day to a 2-hour process.
  • Developed a departmental computer literacy training program, teaching classes on microcomputer operating systems, office automation software, and introductory programming.
  • Taught a "Structured Programming and Problem Solving" course for the Community Education Center after work hours.
  • Computer Systems Technology Program, Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT), Graduate Courses in Software Engineering and Computer Communications (24 quarter units); GPA: 3.43
  • BS, Mathematics/Computer Science, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), GPA: 3.57; Major GPA: 3.62
  • Database Administration, Performance Tuning, and Benchmarking with Oracle7; Oracle Corporation.
  • Software Requirements Engineering and Management Course; Computer Applications International Corporation.
  • X.400 Messaging and Allied Communications Procedures-123 Profile; ComTechnologies, Inc.
  • GOSIP LAN Operating System Network Administration; ETC, Inc.
  • Interactive UNIX System V r4 (POSIX) System Administration; ETC, Inc.
  • Effective Briefing Techniques and Technical Presentations; William French and Associates, Inc.
  • Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP); Technology Systems Institute.
  • LAN Interconnection Using Bridges, Routers, and Gateways; Information Systems Institute.
  • OSI X.400/X.500 Messaging and Directory Service Protocols; Communication Technologies, Inc.
  • US Army Signal Officer Advanced Course, US Army Signal Center, Georgia; Honor Graduate.
  • MCP Trainer, DCS.
  • MCP Trainer, SDD.
  • MCP Certified Systems Engineer.
  • MCP Certified Product Specialist, Networking, MS TCP/IP, and MS Mail 3.2 for PC Networks.
  • Member, Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA).