What is Typography???
Paul Rand |
These logos are designed by Paul Rand, a famous American graphic designer. The main design element in all of them is type.
This text will introduce type as an important element of design. It is not just words or information . It is a visual element that can enhance the look of your design and will certainly always have an impact.
Good typography is just as important on a web page as it
is in any other medium. The fact that it appears on a computer screen and not
on a piece of paper is immaterial, it should still be pleasing to look at and
easy to read. In every situation where type is used - in publishing, signs, packaging,
television etc. - the designer has to adapt his techniques to suit the
medium |
Considering the Output:
A headline style that
works just fine in a magazine spread would not necessarily work on a poster. A magazine is
always viewed straight-on at arms length so letter spacing can be as tight as
you like and the words will still be readable. A poster is, more often than not, viewed obliquely, which
distorts the type to some extent. Here, a little extra letter spacing helps
identification of the individual characters, and hence the words. |
Paula Scher |
Designing for a computer screen has its own set of
problems. Add to these the elastic nature of a web page, which has to work
across different computer platforms and screen sizes, and the problems get even
worse. It is the designer's job
to understand these issues and to address them - to maintain some kind of
control when everything else is shifting.
There are many ways to prioritize
information in traditional typography but many of those options are not
available to Web designers because of the low resolution of the medium. Ninety percent of web pages that you look at have been poured- not designed. Any current
browser will take a block of text and display it on the computer screen in a reasonable typeface and size but with considerably less control than an ancient typewriter! The first problem is
that the line lengths get too long.
In print, there is a relationship between
the length of a line and the 'leading' - the space between lines. If the line
is too long, and the leading too tight, it is difficult to read from the end
of one line to the beginning of the next - lines will be read twice - or
skipped. A typist can use one and a half or double spacing to alleviate this
problem, but a web page designer has no such luxury. There is no concept of
'leading' in HTML, but there is in Cascading Style Sheets.
How to format Type using HTML tags
You can't easily control the space between lines with regular HTML, but
you can make sure that they don't get too long. Restricting line widths with
the BlockQuote feature to give wider left hand margins will help, but even
better, you can use tables to split text into narrower columns. The other way
to regain control is to dispense with the default 'soft' word wrap feature and
put in 'hard' <BR> (break) characters where you want a carriage return.
This allows you to keep lines short - and to control the typographic shape of
the right-ragged edge, but you need a lot of horizontal space to compensate
for the fact that the type could be larger on someone else's monitor.
HTML specifications allow for a hierarchy of headline sizes. These sizes are
relative rather than absolute and are displayed in a bold typeface. They do
tend to be rather ugly though. Here, an important distinction must be drawn.
There are typefaces which are designed especially for the screen. They are usually san-serif fonts like Verdana and Geneva. San Serif means "without curls". Compare Times New Roman with Arial. Times new Roman is a serif font, has little shapes at the edges of the letters, while Arial is plain and straight, without curls.
Typographic tricks like letter spacing are a little more difficult to
achieve in HTML as it only allows one space between any two characters. By
using the non-breaking space character ' ' you can force extra
spaces between characters or words. You can simulate TABs using a run of
s. I generally use the form <BR> _ _ _ _ where the underscore
represents a regular space. To force extra space between lines, use alternate <BR> and <P> tags. You can letter space a
word by inserting a discrete space between individual characters, but when it
comes to word spacing in HTML, you need to create style sheets and apply
those to your system text.
HTML supports horizontal rules which can be used to separate blocks of
text on a web page. In traditional typography, the use of rules is frowned
upon by purists. HTML rules are functional rather than stylistic elements
although, occasionally they will be used for 'decorative' purposes to
liven-up a bland layout. Be aware that each browser treats rules in its own
way, they may look quite different in another browser from what you expect -
but then that's true of everything.
You can, of course, insert a graphic as a rule. It won't have much of an
overhead in loading time because it will compress very efficiently if it is a
single colour and you can adjust its width from HTML by adjusting the IMG SRC
'Width' attribute in absolute pixels or as a percentage. Think of rules as 'typographic crutches'. On a Web page, there are no space
constraints. It is better to use space to separate elements than lines. Some
newer fonts such as Verdana, Georgia and Trebuchet have been designed to look
good on a Web page. They have been designed to be sympathetic with the
natural pixel grid. Not just their letter shapes, but their body heights and
letter-spacing have been optimized for screen legibility.
Style Sheets
There are two ways to specify font on a Web page. You can
use the <FONT FACE>tag, but that is going to disappear in the not to
distant future and I would strongly advise the use of Cascading Style Sheets for future compatibility. You also have to realize that readers will not
necessarily have any typeface that you specify installed on his or her
computer so you should use ones that are installed by default on the
computer. By using a comma-separated list of fonts, either for a <FONT FACE> tag or in a CSS specification, the browser will use the
first one it comes to in the list that is installed. If none of the faces in
the list are available, it reverts to the default.
Mac and PC users will have different fonts installed so, the very minimum
list of fonts should contain the Mac and PC equivalents. If you want to
specify more exotic faces, put them first in the list followed by near
equivalents and finally, the safest one shown opposite. I say 'exotic', I
simply mean fonts that are not installed by default and may not be available
to some readers.