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  Elizabeth Specker, Ph.D.
 American River College   email button
Assistant Professor, ESL

Ph.D.  2008
University of Arizona
Second Language Acquisition and Teaching

M.A.  2000
Ohio University

Applied Linguistics (TESOL)
B.A.  1993
State University of New York Plattsburgh

Anthropology (Spanish, Business)

I am currently teaching
 English as a Second Language at American River College.

My Research Interests include:

click on Projects to see research & publications
  • In the past I have taught ESL and EFL in a variety of settings, including academic settings, as well as overseas while in the Peace Corps (Romania, 1996-1998).
  • I have also taught English Composition to native and non-native speakers of English, and Pronunciation for ITAs (International Teaching Assistants)
  • Currently I am  working with beginner level and intermediate high level ESL students in Listening/Speaking, Reading and Writing. 

  • I will be working on developing a lab component for individual pronunciation skills assistance for both beginner and advanced speakers during summer 2009.
  • Multimodality, or the use of more than one sensory mode to convey information. Primarily, I am interested in the additional modality of closed captioning and subtitles to multimedia texts and their use by language learners.
  • The use of metaphor and metonymy in multimedia as well as by second language learners.
  • Critical Discourse Analysis, Sociocultural Theory and Identity.
  • Semiotics, and the representation and interpretation of indexicality by language learners.
  • Code-switching, both in psycholinguistics (the lexicon) and in sociolinguistics (identity and use)
  • Media Arts: theory and criticism, appropriation and remediation on the internet

about me CV projects