Geography 26 Project Papers: Fall 2000
Off-Road Geology for Non-Geologists: An Application of GIS
Thomas Cudzilo



Geologic and geographic information along two popular hiking trails in the Lake Tahoe Basin of California was collected and analyzed. The purpose of the collection and analysis effort was to determine the suitability of a basic geographic positioning system (GPS) unit and a geographic information system (GIS) for providing geologic information to non-geologists in a more understandable form than is typically available. The result of the information collection in the field with GPS and camera, storage with GPS and GIS, retrieval with GIS, and presentation with GIS and graphics software is that basic GPS and GIS offer excellent capabilities for the project task. It was also evident that the GPS and GIS tools that were used offer capabilities for more extensive and more detailed mapping and information analysis than was tested in this effort.


Geologic mapping has been performed in California for more than 100 years. Over that period, much of the state has been mapped for mineral deposits, for locations of faults that may be active, for potential hazards like landslides, or for general geologic understanding. The result of that work is a quilt of maps at various scales that have diverse objectives and purposes. In many cases, the geologic entities were plotted on topographic maps by dead reckoning with Brunton compass and plane table and alidade, and later with aerial photos and Landsat images. Accuracy, complexity, and quality vary among them. The introduction and growth in the use of GPS equipment during mapping will add accuracy and standardization to the geologic database. The availability and adoption of GIS and analytical software by geologists is allowing a wide range of geologic attributes to be captured in the field, stored electronically, and introduced when needed for interpretation and understanding. Converting all of California geology to GIS will take a number of years. During that effort, the people of California would benefit if data collection accommodates their needs and interests.

Understanding of the geologic history, geologic present, and geologic future is important to a large number of Californians and visitors. Rock hounds, hikers, climbers, campers, and other off-road travelers who have an interest in the rocks and landforms they clamber over. Land owners and lessors may not know about faults or points of geologic interest that are on or near their parcels. There are several books and field guides on geology that can be viewed along highways written for non-geologists. However, maps of geology for many trails, national forest lands, and even most state parks are not readily obtainable and, if obtainable, are difficult to decipher for the non-geologist.

To begin increasing the understanding of geology for the non-geologist, the project included developing a GIS for two popular hiking trails near Fallen Leaf Lake, southwest of Lake Tahoe. The project area in shown in
Figure 1 below right.

Geology was based on previous mapping, and no new geologic mapping was done. A Garmin GPS 12XL Personal Navigator ® (G12XL) unit was used to used to record locations of geologic rock types, faults, landforms, the trail route, and photo locations. The following were performed for the project:

  1. Trail route marked on portions of the Emerald Bay and Echo Lake USGS 7.5 minute quadrangle maps;
  2. Locations of geology entities including landforms, faults, and geologic rock features of interest;
  3. Close up photographs of geologic features along the trail;
  4. "Landscape photos" showing landforms or other points of geologic interest along the trail; and
  5. Explanatory notes and observations for the non-geologist.


Use of GIS and GPS tools in geologic mapping is not a new concept (for example, see Wahl and others, 1995). Maps and books that make geologic features more accessible and "available" to the none geologist have also been produced (for example, Alt and Hyndman, 1975). However, the roadside geology books haven't been expanded to places where rock hounds, amateur miners, weekend geoscientists, or vacationers take time to stop and understand what they are seeing. With the exception of some excellent geologic maps of national parks or monuments, geology that is directed to the non-geologist is not widely available, and people are interested in geologic phenomena near them, such as, earthquake fault zones, active volcanoes, and landslides. A number of trails popular with vacationers occur within a few miles of Lake Tahoe. Because of their popularity and accessibility, the trail to the Glen Alpine historical site and the Angora Lakes trail originating near the south end of Fallen Leaf Lake (Figure 1) were selected for test mapping. Topographic map coverage on 1:24000 (7.5 minute quadrangle scale) of the trail areas was available, and the geology of the area had been thoroughly mapped (Loomis, 1983)./P>


Waypoints were collected along the two trails selected. Waypoint data, collected and stored in the G12XL, were referenced to the North American Datum (NAD) 27. This datum was selected for waypoints because the trails were to be plotted on images of US Geological Survey 7.5 minute quadrangle maps, which were based on the NAD 27 datum. At each waypoint location, measurements from satellites were averaged over 60 to 120 seconds before recording the coordinates. Trackpoint data were automatically collected and stored by the GPS for the Glen Alpine Trail, the northern of the two trails selected for the project. No trackpoint data were collected for the southern trail.

The waypoint and trackpoint data were downloaded from the G12XL with Waypoints+© (Hildebrand, 2000). The waypoint data had not been subjected to differential correction, and it was a secondary issue in this project to determine if uncorrected data had adequate accuracy for the purpose of this project. To test the accuracy of uncorrected waypoints coordinates, the waypoints shape file was evaluated as a theme with topographic maps a gif images as additional themes. In ArcView Version 3.2a, the downloaded waypoints and trackpoints were converted to shape files and opened as views in ArcView. When shape file were created, database files with ArcView point, identifier, and attribute fields were created in dbf format. Twenty-six numbered waypoints are shown with + symbols in Figure 2.


Figure 2


At each of the waypoint locations notes on the geology were collected, and a photograph of a geologic feature or a "landscape" of geologic landforms was taken to aid the user in understanding the geology along the trail. The geologic notes and files names for jpg images were added in Descript and Photo fields that were added to the database created for the waypoints and their attributes. The  file names with jpg extensions in the Photo field of the database are digital photo images obtained at the waypoint. Note that the actual date and time in UTC that the waypoint data were collected also occupy fields in the database. Figure 3 below is a screen view of the database file created in ArcView.


Figure 3


The last step of the method to produce a readily understandable geologic map is to add geologic information from previous mapping of the area of the trails. Addition of of geologic information was done for this project by scanning the existing geologic map (Loomis, 1983) and transferring geologic information from the map to the trail area map file. For this project, the portion of the geologic map over the area of the two trails was scanned and digitally stored as a file in gif format. Information from the file, for example, fault lines and contacts between rock types, were added to a gif image of waypoints and trails developed in ArcView. Information was added to the waypoints image from a shape file exported in gif  to Adobe Photoshop®. A draft example of the image with some geologic information added is included here. It is a work in progress.


The analysis of the project results consisted of: 1. comparison of waypoint and trackpoint plotted locations with the landmarks on topographic map of the trail area; and 2. evaluation of the suitability of GIS and GPS for collecting and preparing the geologic information from the trails for use by non-geologists. The first analysis was performed in part with an ArcView view shown in Figure 2. In that figure, all of the waypoints were position data were collected during the project are shown with the themes of the Emerald Bay and Echo Peak 7.5' quadrangles introduced as georeferenced gif files, which were obtained from the Teale Data Center ftp site. In comparing the locations of waypoints to landmarks on the map, the view in Figure 2 indicated that waypoint locations plotted on the maps within approximately 15 meters (50 feet) of the locations in the field where measurements were made and photos were taken. In a few locations the waypoint location is obviously inaccurate, for example, location 10 on the west side of the figure, because the waypoint measurement was made on shore, not in Grass Lake. However, the accuracy of the waypoints relative to the topographic maps is considered adequate for the preparation of basic geologic and photo files along established trails. The geologic features being mapped are of a scale large enough that an horizontal error of +/-15 meters will not cause the GIS data to be unusable. Furthermore, the mapping addressed in this project is expected to conducted on established trails, and therefore, the waypoints are not intended to be the only indicators of location in the field.

A second analysis was performed with trackpoint data collected with the G12XL in the field and then loaded as a shape file in ArcView through the use of the AVGarmin© tool (Hildebrand, 2000). The track data were collected at 60 second intervals automatically by the G12XL GPS unit but only for the Glen Alpine trail. The analysis performed was a comparison of the track created by the trackpoints with the path of the trail on the map. Although the entire trail length is not evident on the quadrangle images, the course of the trail on the map is readily estimated from topography. The result of the plotting of the tracks from the Glen Alpine trail are shown in Figure 4. 


Figure 4




Analysis of the trackpoints downloaded and converted to a shape file indicated the average level of accuracy of the measurements obtained with the G12XL and the ability to show an entire trail on a gif figure with topography and road information. The thin black line that connects the waypoints represents the path of the GPS unit followed along the trail in the hand of the geologist. It is notable in Figure 4 that short excursions off of the trail to examine rocks or other features are also recorded. The result of the analysis of the track plotting in ArcView is that the track function is a useful additional feature for mapping the actual path of the trail. By comparison with the un-tracked path of the Angora Lakes trail on the east side of Figure 4, the track stored as points in a GIS shape file would also be an advantage in compiling geology along a trail and having the ability to plot on a topographic map the path of an excursion off of a marked trail. The track plot also allows the user to determine elevations along the course of the trail greater ease.

The second component of the analysis of the collected information indicated that a GIS (like ArcView 3.2a or a comparable product) and a twelve-channel GPS unit (like the G12XL or comparable instrument) are excellent basic tools for collecting data for the geologic maps along trails. The full capabilities of the GIS and GPS were not tested in this project. However, it seems evident that the G12XL would provide location data (both waypoint and trackpoint) of adequate accuracy that it could be used for geologic mapping of larger, unmapped areas. The database component of a GIS is also clearly beneficial to mapping,  recording, and later plotting of additional geologic attributes in various views. Those capabilities are a an advantage to data interpretation for any size geologic mapping project because they enhance data management.



Observations from this project were obtained from the analysis of the collected data in GIS,  from the act of collecting and recording the data, and the act of preparing the data for presentation. The observations are:

  • A GPS unit (like the Garmin 12XL) and a GIS (like ArcView 3.2a) are basic, and yet powerful, tools for preparing maps for non-geologists, but they can readily be extended to more technical and detailed geologic mapping.

  •  The database component of the GIS provides an excellent tool for geologic data management; for both numerical and text data related to points in the field, the database provides a framework for orderly storage, retrieval, and plotting of geologic information that is accurately located.

  • For production of geologic maps and photos for the non-geologist to use as he/she is on a trail, another graphic application may be appropriate.

Figure 5 is a rough draft image of the GIS views of the trails with geologic information added. It illustrates fault lines and other geologic information obtained from previous geologic mapping (Loomis, 1983). The reader will note that different symbols have been added at waypoint locations on Figure 5. When completed in html format, the red symbols on the map image will provide links to photos, which were taken at the waypoints and are stored as jpg files with the image.


Figure 5




Alt, D.D., and D.W. Hyndman,1975. Roadside Geology of Northern California. Missoula, Montana: Mountain Press Publishing.

Hildebrand, B., 2000.Waypoint+ ©.

Loomis, Alden A., 1983. Geology of the Fallen Leaf Lake 15' Quadrangle, El Dorado County, California, Map Sheet 32. California Division of Mines and Geology.

Wahl, T.E., J.D. Miller, and E.J. Bauer, 1995. Bedrock geologic mapping using ArcInfo. Proceedings of ESRI Users Conference, p. 167.