In Response To

"A Call For Papers: The Fifth International Conference On Spatial Data Acquisition For GIS",
I offer the following project:


A Search For A Suitable Homesite


Dennis Anderson
Geography 26, Ethan Way Center, American River College, Sacramento
Spring Semester 2001


I decided on a useful/practical subject for my project. My wife and I are considering a home relocation to the foothills. This project was designed to create a tool to aid in our decision process for determining which areas will and which areas will not fit our needs.


Where do we want to live, where can I find data that will help us with this decision? I will search the Internet, search my employers' data library, and consider other possible data sources.



Lessons Learned

A Continuing Process

This project is not complete. I will continue to assemble data into this spatial database to further increase its usefulness to our relocation decision. I hope to add asbestos occurrence data, historic area mining location data, air and groundwater contamination data, and groundwater availability data. We'll further explore the foothills with a GPS unit. And I will develop queries based on our likes and dislikes. There are various possibilities for interesting queries of this data. I've enjoyed this project and I expect I will continue to enjoy it.


quad maps under other data

Area Quad Maps with Interest Perimeter, County Lines, Cities, Waypoints, and Government Property

area geology with fault zone

Area Geology with Area Fault Zone, Interest Perimeter, County Lines, Cities, Roads, Watershed, and Waypoints

area soils

Area Soils with Interest Perimeter, County Lines, Cities, Roads, Watershed, and Waypoints

area landcover

Area Landcover with Interest Perimeter, County Lines, Cities, Roads, Watershed, and Waypoints

area climatic sub-sections

Area Climatic Sub-Sections with Interest Perimeter, County Lines, Cities, Roads, Watershed, and Waypoints



Thank you Paul Veisze, for the interesting and useful knowledge you have passed to your students, it is greatly appreciated. And I enjoyed the dance.