A Study of Transportation GIS at London's Underground Network


Pamela M.Pangan
American River College, Geography 350
Data Acquisition in GIS; Spring 2004
Contact Information: pamela.pangan@eds.com


Transportation GIS or GIS-T as it is now commonly known, is considered one of the more complex applications of GIS because of how data and its data structures influence the outcome of analysis. Every line and node has to be carefully studied for flow of direction, speed, length, connectivity and variables that might create a stoppage or barrier in the flow of the network - basic attributes needed for a simple network analysis.

The objective of this paper is to emulate a GIS-T in London’s Underground that would answer questions such as what is the shortest path to and from a station, what trains or railway trains to transfer or connect to get to a destination, and what places of interests are worth stopping by. Not surprising though is that London’s Underground is already using GIS-T through the web with their Route Finder and Journey Planner tools, which were used as a model and source of much of the data for the study.

With sufficient data these questions can be answered using GIS Network Analysis like ARCMAP Utility Network Analyst. It is however, unfortunate that the study went without merit because of the lack of software license to process the data. The results were relegated to mere assumptions and untested outcomes.


The London Underground or the Tube as it is commonly called by the locals is a public transportation network composed of electrified railways that run through tunnels in Central London and above ground in the suburbs. It has 275 stations, 12 lines (Bakerloo, Central, Circle, District, East London, Hammersmith & City line, Jubilee, Metropolitan, Northern, Piccadilly, Victoria and Waterloo & City lines) and several routes and zones running to and from different destinations in the city. Anyone can basically get anywhere around London using the Tube as it connects to other forms of transportations such as buses (double-decker or not), trains (such as the Eurostar) and ferries.

It was almost midnight in between stations from Kentish Town, my friends and I took the Tube to catch the last train to Oxford via the Paddington Station. There were the occasional voice-over about security warnings about unattended packages and at one point earlier that day the line we were on was evacuated because of such and we were diverted to another line/station. Security was tight because the Madrid bombing was only a week old. As we try to weave our way from the Northern Line to get off King’s Cross Station to catch the Hammersmith & City Line train to Paddington Station, it was then that I realized that this transportation system is definitely one of the many applications of GIS. The similarity of the underground and street networks as it relates to Network Analysis such as in finding directions, time of arrival to destination, alternative routes when barriers exist, traffic situations, etc. is apparent. Well, not surprising because both fall on Transportation GIS and would be the focus of this study


Transportation infrastructure is an intrinsic and diverse geographic characteristic of a country even defining its economic status. In GIS, it is one of the most complex applications to work with, which compelled GIS software makers to develop specialized modules such as ARCMAP Utility Network Analyst Extension. GIS and Transportation Case Study by the Work Site Alliance with the Center for Environmental Information Technology Application (CEITA) describes the process of creating a GIS transportation or GIS-T (as it is now routinely called). While traditional GIS formulation’s strengths are in mapping display, and geo-data processing, GIS-T requires new data structures to represent the complexities of transportation network and to perform different network algorithms in order to fulfill its potential in the field of logistics and distribution logistics (Fischer, 2003).

Another case study specific to our intended location, London, England, is the Transport Accessibility Case Report (Collin Buchanan and Partners, 2003) which discusses relationships of accessible transport networks to employment, and the economy using GIS. The study created a model based on the public transport network including railway and underground stations, bus stops as well as walking/waiting and travel times. It utilized another GIS software package called MapInfo.


The study will attempt to simulate a railway routing network analysis as an illustration of GIS in Transportation. The objectives are as follows: 1) find the shortest routes, directions and travel times from point of origin to destination (station to station), and 2) find points of interests/tourist attractions from different stations and add information including photo. London’s Underground (LU) railway was chosen for the study because of its reputation of being the oldest and most efficient railway system in the world as well as the author having experienced as a tourist going around the city on it. However, because of limited time the study was limited to Zone 1 of the LU, as identified by London’s zone fare system. Ten of the 12 Lines run within Zone 1, only East London and Waterloo & City do not. Moreover, these railway lines are fall under Central London where most of London’s tourist attractions can be accessed.

To accomplish the study, data were gathered through exhaustive use of the internet. Maps of the Tube, the many stations and lines will be used extensively although these maps are considered cartograms such as in assumed center lines of the railways. Downloaded in JPG or GIF format the Tube map (London's Underground network map). Also, data showing geographic location of the stations were found so that the scanned Tube map can be geo-referenced.

The following steps were supposed to have been done through ARCMAP and then for analysis use the Utility Network Analyst Extension. 1) Create vector layer consisting of lines for railways showing FNODE and TNODE and put appropriate nodes on intersections or station changes. 2) Create database to show attributes line names, station name, directionality, connectivity, length (driven length versus digitized length), speed limit, and scenic value will also be considered. 3) Create a point layer for special interests or landmarks that includes the name, information and attach selected pictures taken during London trip into the database. However, it wasn't accomplished because the Network Analyst Extension is not available at the campus.

Utilized the official site of London’s Transport which features a journey and route planner was be used as a model for the simulation. The site is at http://transportforlondon.gov.uk.

London's Underground Tube Map

This is the most recent map of the Underground showing the stations and operational lines
The 12 existing lines are as follows:
Bakerloo, Central, Circle, District, East London, Hammersmith & City
Jubilee, Metropolitan, Northern, Piccadilly
Victoria, Waterloo & City

Source: Official site of London’s Transport http://transportforlondon.gov.uk

Tube Map

Zone 1 Map showing the Circle, District, Central, Hammersmith & City,and Piccadilly Lines

Yellow = Circle
Red = Central Line
Green = District Line
Pink = Hammersmith & City Line
Blue = Piccadilly Line

Zone 1

Zone 1 was identified. The following tables and information taken from Data came from http://www.davros.org/rail/culg/intro.html# Clive’s Underground Guide site ) and Tube Map show the station names of each Line on Zone 1, Interchange Stations are indicated with Y, Location of Stations, and Distance in kilometers. Location of stations are the physical location of the station relative to square TQ of the UK National Grid Reference System, taken from Ordnance Survey publications and are not necessarily at the center of the feature in question (e.g., stations that are below ground may be shown as the location of the main entrance)”. Distance in km along the London Underground (LU) from Ongar station (this is the official LU system for locations serves as a linear reference). The first three digits are X coordinate and the second three the Y coordinate (both in 100 meter units of the southwest corner of a 100m square containing the feature in question. The point 000000 or TQ000000 is 100 km east and 200 km north of 49 degrees 0’0”N 2 degrees 0’00”W with all points plotted using Transverse Mercator projection.

Station Name Interchange Station Location Distance (km)
Aldgate East Y 338813 39.88
Liverpool St Y 331815 40.81
Moorgate Y 324814 41.33
Barbican N 320818 41.96
Farringdon Y 315818 42.47
King's Cross St Pancras Y 302828 44.32
Euston Square N 294823 45.17
Great Portland St N 288821 45.17
Baker St. Y 280820 46.59
Edgware St. Y 272817 47.76
Paddington Y 264814 48.33
This table shows data gathered and will be used as attributes for the line theme. It shows railway line Hammersmith & City Line and names of all the stations falling into Zone 1. For listing for other railway line please refer to attached document or contact the author.

Average Train Speed is 33 km/h (20.5 mph) including station stops. Each station has platforms that indicate which direction the train is going as well as connections to other railway lines

At this point the layers are now prepared for editing, i.e., nodes (stations),flows or directions of lines and attributes are input.

The following are the attributes:
ARC_ID - primary key
RAIL_NAME - name of railway line such as Piccadilly, Circle, etc
FNODE - From Node
TNODE - To Node
LENGTH_KN - known length as shown in above table
LENGTH - as ARCMAP would have calculated
NODE_ID - node id, or stations
STATION_NAME - name of station on a node
INTER_STATION - flag if station is an interchange station (Y or N)

Create a point layer map for points of interests/tourist attractions in London with the following fields:
POINT_ID - this will act as the primary key, node id
POINT_NAME - name of tourist attraction
INFO - information about tourist attraction
1 Circle 1 2 40.19
2 Circle 2 3 40 .81
3 CircleY 3 4 41.33
4 Central 2 29 37.77
Table shows the concept of a relational database and how above attributes would have been entered thru ARCMAP and eventually linked to the table below through the node_id acting like a primary key.

1 Aldgate N Trinity Square Gardens
2 Liverpool St Y No Data
3 Barbican Y Barbican Centre
4 Bank N St.Paul's Cathedral
Table shows example of attributes for station that would have been linked from above table through the node ID.


After data identifying the railway lines, stations – (whether it is an interchange station or not), connections to other lines as well as length of railway (as provided by the LU standard) were gathered. The JPG map of the Tube was downloaded from the Transport for London website and would have attempted to geo-reference it using coordinates/locations from our source. This will in turn would have been used to create a vector layer consisting of lines or arcs digitized or traced on, as well as indicate each stations and intersections with a node. As we know an arc is composed of starting and ending nodes, which will put in effect directionality on the each arc in a line theme. Moreover, each individual arcs must have all the necessary attributes associated to it for a successful network analysis. Edges and junctions will be identified as railway lines and stations, respectively. An edge is defined as an arc that has associated length and through which a commodity flows such as traffic. As an arc, an edge has two junctions or nodes which could be an intersection or in our case a station. A junction allows for the transfer of a commodity from one edge to another. However, it is quite unfortunate that our campus do not have the license for the ARCMAP Network Analyst Extension as well as other tools that can be utilized. However, an oversimplified analysis and explanation of what could have been the results are provided

With the vector layer created , the node-arc model will be used. There are two network rules that can be applied for the connections of edges and junctions. They are the edge-junction rule and edge-edge rule. An edge-junction rule governs which edges can connect to which junctions, while the edge-edge rule governs how and through what type of junction two edges can join. Also, sources and sinks need to be identified to establish flow of direction in a network. A source is the junction at which flow originates while a sink is the junction where flow ceases (Matze and Battersby, 2000).

Weights in transportation network to be used:

Edge length / train speed = travel time where train speed is known =20.5 mph
Station wait time included in train speed

Variables: Barriers in the railway exist such as stoppage in station and what alternative route should be taken. Stoppages such as services being cut off due to train breaking down or the railway line is temporarily not in use because of say, security measures – which is quite prevalent in the Underground.

A point theme that would have been created shows points of interests or tourist attractions in London. This could either be linked to the node attributes (stations) or an above ground map or street map would have been collected/digitized to show Underground stations access and would act as a stoppage in the network. Photos and information of these tourist attractions will have been linked to the points, as well.

After all these data have been input, the ARCMAP Utility Network Analyst Extension would have been used to perform a network trace. To create a simple network trace on ARMAP, the following are done: 1) create the Geo-database, 2) create Network features, 3) establish Flow and 4) perform Trace. These processes are done with a click of the mouse, but note that they will only work successfully if all the attributes of each individual line and nodes have been entered.

Outcome of the Study

Although we were unable to simulate a routing and network analysis of London's Underground due to lack of software license at the campus, below are tables and maps that show an example of the intended outcome.
Station Name Duration Directions
Kentish Town 5 minutes TAke NORTHERN LINE train. Get on Train to any of:
Kentish Town 18 minutes Walk to CIRCLE LINE
Moorgate 19 minutes Wait for CIRCLE LINE
Moorgate 27 minutes Get on train to Aldgate
Tower Hill 33 minutes Arrival
Journey Duration: 33 minutes
Place of Interest: Tower of London
Query: Shortest route using the Underground from Kentish Town station to Tower Hill station. Show Directions as well as connections, transfers and tourist attraction at destination.

Street map of Kentish Town

(Left) The map shows the street map of the starting point (Kentish Town) and location of the Underground station.

Map courtesy of Route Planner from Transport for London website.
Tube Route map
(Left) Map of the railway lines and stations from starting point, Kentish Town to destination, Tower Hill based on above directions. Other lines are also shown as an alternative route
Black=Northern Line
Light Blue= Piccadilly Line
Pink = Hammersmith & City Line
Yellow = Circle Line
Purple = Metropolitan Line
Street map of Tower Hill

(Left) The map shows the street map of the destination point (Tower Hill) and location of the Underground station.

Map courtesy of Route Planner from Transport for London website.


The Journey Planner http://journeyplanner.tfl.gov.uk/index.htm and Route Finder http://tube.tfl.gov.uk/cgi-bin/TPQUERY3.EXE on Transport for London’s website demonstrate the use GIS in transport analysis. It was the intent of this study to emulate these sites to better comprehend in a student lab level how GIS-T is applied. However, even with all these data available but no software to test or process analysis on them, the study was limited to mere assumptions of how network analysis on London’s Underground would have worked. Of course, manual mapping and analysis could have been done but it would be quite tedious and it defeats the purpose of a GIS.


Val Noronha, Unit 183 – Transportation Networks, Digital Geographic Research Corp., Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, 1998 http://www.ncgia.ucsb.edu/giscc/units/u183/u183.html

Network Analysis, CFR 250 – Intro to GIS in Forest Resources http://gis.washington.edu/cfr250/lessons/network/#create_theme

GIS and Transportation Case Study - developed by Work Site Alliance with contributors from Dr. Yichun Xie (Director of Center for Environmental Information Technology Application (CEITA)), Beverly Hunter (Consultant), Tina Roberts (Consultant) and CEITA Staff, http://ceita.emich.edu/wsatraining/Transportation/GIS_Trans.PDF

Transport Accessibility – Case for London Technical Report, Colin Buchanan and Partners commissioned by GLA Economics, 2003 http://www.london.gov.uk/mayor/economic_unit/case_for_london/transportaccessibility_report.pdf

Clive’s Underground Guides - http://www.davros.org/rail/culg/

UC Santa Barbara, Department of Geography, 2000 – GEOG 580 Lab, originally created by Nicholas Matze and Sarah Battersby http://dusk.geo.orst.edu/buffgis/arc8/lab/lab5/lab5.html

Manfred M. Fischer, GIS and Network Analysis http://www.ersa.org/ersaconfs/ersa03/cdrom/papers/433.pdf