California Drought – A Potential for Solar?

Christina Crume
American River College, Geography 350: Data Acquisition in GIS; Fall 2015

The drought in California has reduced the hydroelectric generation potential and opened a door for an increase in solar generation. With the reservoir and dam levels at historically low capacities, one major El Nino event will not be able to replenish the capacity and restore the generation levels. Solar generation demand and pricing make it a primary resource to replace the hydroelectric generation and fulfill the shortfall during the drought.

California has a vast water supply through many reservoirs and lakes that provide hydroelectric generation to the state. In recent years, a major drought has caused hydroelectric generation to dwindle to 30% of normal generation. With meteorologists predicting an El Nino for the 2015-2016 hydroelectric year, will that be enough to bring the reservoirs to capacity and regain the normal generation amounts? If an El Nino is predicted to be as big as the biggest one on record, will generation levels rise? Will one El Nino year be enough to fill the reservoirs and lakes to sustain the hydroelectric generation needed to supply California? If the water levels will not rise to the generation amounts needed, will other resources be able to fill in the gaps?

California’s drought has significantly reduced the hydroelectric, clean generation that is produced for the state. Before the drought, which started in 2011, the average mix of generation attributable to hydroelectricity was 18 percent. Due to the drought, this percentage has dropped to less than 12 percent. To offset the demand, over 2,200 megawatts of solar electricity have been installed to combat the loss of hydroelectric generation and the increase in electricity demand (Scauzillo, 2015). Additionally to make up for the shortfall, natural gas power plant use has increased to fill this gap, which is more expensive and environmentally damaging. Hydroelectric generation does not produce any air contaminants whereas natural gas used in a combined cycle plant releases contaminants into the air, an 8% increase for the 2011-2014 years. The additional cost passed on to rate-payers for the use of natural gas is a steep $1.4 billion for the years 2011-2014. If the drought continues, hydroelectric generation will continue to decrease and our dependence on natural gas will increase unless other renewable resources are added to the mix (Gleick, 2015). With the expected El Nino in the coming months, the water levels could raise the reservoirs and lakes which would increase the hydroelectric generation, however for long term hydroelectric generation we need snowpack. With warmer temperatures, increased snowpack is unlikely which would reduce the hydroelectric generation in early summer months.

Data for the location and capacity of the reservoirs and dams in California were collected and edited for accuracy before being compiled into a map for California. The data was compiled from the Department of Water Resources Data Exchange Center into an Excel spreadsheet and then converted in ArcMap as an x,y dataset. Once the location information was obtained and corrected due to inaccuracies, the capacity information was added for the total, El Nino 1998, and current October 2015 dates.

California dams and reservoirs

Individual dam and reservoir capacity information was consolidated to get a total. For the dams and reservoirs in which the data was missing for one or more area, the totals were omitted to prevent skewed data.

Total Capacity (af)


Percentage of Total Capacity

1998 El Nino Capacity (af)



Current Capacity (af)



Hydroelectric generation totals for 1998 and 2014 were compiled. The total installed capacity of hydroelectric in California is 13,841 MW. With a standard 37% capacity factor, a normal year of generation would amount to 44,861,449 MWh of hydroelectric generation. In 1998, 48,757,000 MWh were produced and in 2014 16,469,573 MWh were produced. This is consistent with the articles and data that the hydroelectric generation is around 30% of the normal amount. The difference in generation is 32,287,427 MWh or 3,686 MW of capacity.

Generation Calculation

capacity (MW) x hours per year (h) x capacity factor (%) = annual generation (MWh)





Generation (MWh)




The next step is to calculate how much capacity is needed. Assuming the El Nino event of 2015-2016 will provide half of the water and snowpack, the new capacity levels would be approximately 32,613,287 MWh. With this, the remaining generation needed is 16,143,714 MWh. A solar facility has a capacity factor of 25%, so the installed capacity needed to produce the generation shortfall from hydroelectric is 7,375 MW.


The reduction in hydroelectric generation seems to be an open door for solar generation. In 2014 over 2,500 MW of new solar was added, and 2015 estimates are on par for around 2,500 MW to be operational by the end of the year. Currently there are 9,846 MW of solar that has been permitted and are in preconstruction phases which estimate to be operational by the end of 2020. With lowering solar production prices and an increase in demand, it appears that the drought is guiding solar as a primary resource to fulfill the hydroelectric generation shortfall.


The current capacity levels of the reservoirs and dams in California are a mere 39%. Almost 75% of the reservoirs and dams are in Northern California and in a typical year approximately 75% of the precipitation falls in these areas. However during an El Nino event, most precipitation falls in Southern California and is washed out to sea due to the lack of reservoirs and dams for storage.

While the drought is an unfortunate event, it has helped pave a faster route for more solar generation due to the increase in electricity demand. Going on the fifth drought year, California needs to make a change to make up for the shortfall in hydroelectric generation and keep up with the increasing electricity demand for the growing state. Solar has provided an inexpensive and lucrative fix because it can be quickly permitted and installed compared to a gas fired power plant and has a softer public view.

While it was easy to obtain the data, performing the accuracy checks to ensure the data quality was time consuming. Additionally tracking down numerous to obtain the different portions of the data and cross referencing the time frames was challenging. For example, the reservoir and dam capacity levels were provided for the previous month, however the generation amounts were for the previous year. To combat this, the current capacities were used and then compared to the generation totals and an assumed capacity was used. Additionally, predicting the future has no science – so estimating the amount of precipitation and the duration for the El Nino event was hard. Speculating on the 1997-1998 El Nino, estimates were taken and incorporated.


Overall it appears that one El Nino event will not pull California out of the multi-year drought it has entered and will need to supplement the hydroelectric generation until the reservoirs and dams return to normal capacity levels. California has planned for the shift in water levels and has already begun permitting solar generation facilities and in Los Angeles county a new reservoir was built to capture storm runoff in Southern California. While the change may not happen overnight, progress and changes have been implemented to budget for the hydroelectric shortfall and shifting water demands and resources. The future of the state’s generation is not as dim as predicted, but rather bright.

California Energy Commission. 2015.10.5. California Hydroelectric Statistics & Data. http://energyalmanac.ca.gov/renewables/hydro/index.php

Department of Water Resources California Data Exchange Center. 2015.10.5. California Data Exchange Center – Query Tools. http://cdec.water.ca.gov/cgi-progs/queryCSV

Department of Water Resources California Data Exchange Center. 2015.10.5. End of Month Reservoir Storage. http://cdec.water.ca.gov/misc/monthly_res.html

Department of Water Resources California Data Exchange Center. 2015.10.5. Most Recent Reservoir Storage Data. http://cdec.water.ca.gov/cgi-progs/getAll?sens_num=15

Department of Water Resources California Data Exchange Center. 2015.10.5. Reservoir Information. http://cdec.water.ca.gov/misc/resinfo.html

Gleick, Peter H. 2015. Impacts of California’s Ongoing Drought: Hydroelectricity Generation. http://pacinst.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/21/2015/03/California-Drought-and-Energy-Final1.pdf; 2015.10.12

Ross, Tom et al. April 1998. National Climatic Data Center Technical Report 98-02. The El Nino Winter of ’97 – ’98. http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/techrpts/tr9802/tr9802.pdf

Sabalow, Ryan. October 4, 2015. Will El Nino ‘solve’ drought? Not if the rain falls in Southern California. http://www.sacbee.com/news/state/california/water-and-drought/article37743690.html 2015.10.4

Scauzillo, Steve. Drought is killing California’s hydroelectric power. Can solar make up the difference? http://www.cadrought.com/drought-is-killing-californias-hydroelectric-power-can-solar-make-up-the-difference/ 2015.09.21

State of California Geoportal. http://atlas.ca.gov/download.html#/casil/inlandWaters/Hydrologic_Features/2.0 2015.10.14

United States Energy Information Administration. September 2015. https://www.eia.gov/electricity/monthly/epm_table_grapher.cfm?t=epmt_6_07_b 2015.10.5