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On-Line Orientation Class Syllabus Assignments *
On-Line Orientation ] Class Syllabus ] Assignments * ]


Elder Abuse


We all know elder abuse is deplorable and should not happen, but it does. Choose one of the following topics to address at the discussion board. For help you can consult both your text and the internet. Each item is addressed in your text book. Use at least two sources and tell us where you got that information (cite them).

Put the number of the question you are addressing in the subject line of your post. That way we can spot the same ones. If you repeat one someone has already posted, read it and add to their post. If you repeat what they have posted your grade will suffer. Be sure to ground your posting in theory or concepts from class and cite them. Again, SWAGS are needed for credit.


  1. Why are suicide rates so high among the elderly in the US and so many other industrial nations?

  2. What are the effects of criminal attack on the elderly?

  3. What are the arguments for and against protecting the elderly from crime by segregating them into walled and guarded retirement communities?

  4. What have some city and state governments done to help protect the elderly from criminal victimization?

  5. Why do the elderly commit crimes?

  6. What are the problems associated with older inmates of our nation's prisons?  Here are two interesting resource

  7. Explain the theoretical reasons and the risk factors that lead to abuse of the elderly?

  8. Explain the ways in which the elderly are targets of fraud?

  9. What can be done to help protect the elderly against fraud and other forms of crime and abuse?





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