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On-Line Orientation Class Syllabus Assignments *

On-Line Orientation ] Class Syllabus ] Assignments * ]

The Looking Glass


For this exercise you will need a small hand held mirror and a sheet of paper. This exercise will give you some idea of what the world might seem like to a person with dementia.

  1. Take out a sheet of paper and a pen or pencil.
  2. Pick up the mirror in your left hand (right if you are left-handed).
  3. Hold the mirror up at your left shoulder so that you can look into it by turning your head to the left (or right shoulder if your are left-handed).
  4. While looking into the mirror, tilt the mirror down so you can see the paper on you desk.
  5. Looking only into the mirror, draw a house.
  6. Still looking only into the mirror, draw a clock showing the correct time.


Go to the discussion link and tell us what it felt like to try to draw through the mirror image?

How might this change your view of the elderly, you come into contact with, that suffer from dementia?



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