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Questions to Ask When Choosing A Continuing Care Retirement Community


·        Do you like the way the facility looks. Will it meet your needs? Is it quite or active, is there a common area and is it inviting?

·        Is the room you are going to stay in large enough, private or semi-private?

·        Is the facility in a good location? Can family and friends easily get to you and are the services you need close by?

·        Is there transportation to community events and services?

·        Is there a waiting list? If so, how long is the wait?

·        What is the cost? Does it meet your budget?

·        How large of a deposit is required? Is it refundable?

·        What is covered by the CCRC monthly fees?

·        Do residents participate in a governance and policy making committee?

·        What is the staff to client ratio? Does the staff feel it is adequate? Are they helpful, professional, friendly, social, culturally compatible.

·        Are there Registered Nurses available? How often?

·        Do residents have positive comments about the facility. How’s the food?

·        Look at a calendar of events, do they suit your interests?

·        When was the facility last inspected?

·        Is there a report available? And is it favorable?