


Psychology 374 - /Gerontology 302





  1. The purpose of this assignment is for you to get to know someone over  the age of 70 who is aging successfully in order to increase your knowledge of the aging experience, and then summarize your interview into a 5 paragraph final post (posting will be the last week of class).

  2.  I know, many are saying  " I don't know anyone over the age of 70" but trust me once you start looking you will find them everywhere. You can also ask for help on the discussion board for colleagues who work with older adults or have older grandparents, neighbors, etc. who might enjoy participating in this assignment (most people love to tell their story).



  1. Select someone who, according to class theory and your own personal perception, is aging successfully.  You must choose someone who is not related to you and with whom you do not have a close personal relationship (not adhering to this can result in losing up to 15 points).  The reason for this is that it is often easier to ask questions of someone who is unrelated and it is easier for your interviewee to be candid.  Additionally, often our assumptions of those we know well get in the way of an objective analysis.

  2.   At the very beginning, explain to the individual the purpose and format of the interview.  Stress the fact that he/she will be helping you
      with an assignment and also helping others by sharing his/her experience of and advice for successful aging.

  3. Schedule two or three interview sessions for about 45 minutes to one hour each. 

  4. You will get more information if you give the person a copy of the questions so they have time to think about the topic coming up. Do not try to do the entire interview in one session. It will show in the depth of your interview and it will cost you points.

  5.  Before each interview session, familiarize yourself with the questions you are going to ask.  It is better to ask the questions in the context of conversation rather than in a check-list fashion.



Assure the individual that only a first name will be used on the report, or a pseudonym may be used if the person prefers. He/she may remain anonymous.


 Also assure the individual that he/she should feel free to decline to answer any questions with which he/she is uncomfortable or choose not to  answer for whatever reason.  They have however, agreed to to this interview and must expect some personal questions. If they do not answer one or two you must explain in your posting your conversation regarding any unanswered questions.  Because they have agreed to do this interview it is ok to ask "why" they have chosen not to answer this question. It is very rare but if you find that more than one or two questions are objectionable  to this person you should consider finding another person.  Too many unanswered questions can hurt your grade.


Frame the answers to the  six areas below from the interview into your post. This should result in a 6-7 paragraph posting.  Be sure to tell their story.


Your grade for this assignment will be based on these six areas.

  1.  A brief explanation of the three theories  or concepts you plan to apply to show this person has aged successfully.
    Explain how these theories relate to successful aging.

  2.  A brief biographical sketch of this person's life- briefly tell their life's story as it relates to those theories
    For example you might say when he/she was young the loved to play the piano. Today, because of arthritis they can no longer play.
    They do however give piano lessons ( a good example of continuity theory). Or this person has a garden and grows their own fresh vegetables.
    You might relate this to nutrition and aging.

  3. Your interviewee's interpretation of what successful aging means to them.-  what do they attribute their successful aging to?  Do you
    believe that their views are grounded in theory or are they ageist, stereotypes, or inaccurate. Explain and cite this.  For example, the may tell you that they have aged successfully because they don't get involved with other people .You need to be able to evaluate this according to the theories you have learned.

  4. Your assessment of their life choices.  Considering the  answers from the sections of interview questions ( Family, Daily life, Health, Mental health etc.), 
    what  life-style patterns or decisions do you believe has helped them age successfully? Which were detrimental?  Is there a theory attached to your

  5. Your personal definition of what successful aging means for you.- What criteria do you use to define successful aging. Where did they come from?

  6.  Does your interviewee have qualities you would like to have when you age? What changes will you make in your life to ensure successful aging.?


I am always glad to preview postings before they are due. That way you can make changes and assure yourself an "A" grade. It must be received
 at least two weeks before the due date to take advantage of this offer.




 The following questions will help you get a better picture of the person's life. Remember to think of class theories or concepts as you  ask these questions. How do they apply to this person's life.


What is their view of how they have aged? What do they attribute this to?

What does usual aging meant to them? That is, what do they believe normal aging includes?

Please explain where you meet this person? How many times you meet for this interview, and where did these meetings take place?

Age:              Sex:________

 Marital Status (number of years): Single______Married____Widowed____Divorced________                           


Which Ethnic Group does the interviewee most consider his/hers?  ____________                    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A.    Family Please gather enough information to sense a coherent story


·         Tell me about your own childhood and upbringing.


·         Where were you born? In what year were you born?


·         What were your parents’ occupations?


·         Did you have brothers and sisters? If so, how many?


·         What was life like in your parents' home?


·         If you are or were married, how did you meet your spouse?


·         Do you have children?


·         If so, how many? Are they all living?


·         Do you have grandchildren?  If so, how many?            


·         Do you have great-grandchildren?               


·         How many of your children and/or grandchildren live close enough to visit easily?


·         Do you have any sisters or brothers living?                  


·         If so, how many visit?                 


·         How many members of your family keep in close touch with you?                  


·         How frequently do you see members of your family?                                  


·         Are you still consulted in your family’s decisions?   

·         Do you think having a close family and/or close friends affects having a long life?



B.  Daily Life


·         Tell me about your life now. What does your daily routine look like?


·         Are you retired?  Do you currently work outside the home?


·         What type of work do (did) you do?


·         What was your first job?


·         Do you do volunteer work? Tell me about it.


C.    Health


·         Tell me about your health.


·         Do you take any medicine every day – either prescription or over the counter?              


·         If so, what conditions are they for?


·         Do you take vitamins or other food supplements, such as herbs?                 


·         If so, what do you take?


·         How often do you see a doctor or other health practitioner for a checkup?                    


·         How long ago was your last complete physical?                 


·         When were you last hospitalized?                  


·         Do you have any lasting or chronic health problems?


·         If so, what are they?


·         What adjustment have you had to make to cope with these chronic problems?


·         Do you believe you can personally control your health to a large extent?


·         If so, how?


D.  Mental Health


·         What do you do when things are not going quite the way you expect them to go?


·         What do you do when you are feeling down or blue?


E.  Exercise and Nutrition


·         How often do you get your heart beating hard by exercising, sports, dancing, or some kind of hard work?                         


·         How many years have you been doing this activity?                 


·         What does eating “right” mean to you?


·         Do you feel that a healthy diet has been a contributing factor to your successful aging?                


·         Do you have any special dietary requirements or habits?


·         If so,  what are they?


·         How often do you drink alcohol?


·         What type of alcohol do you drink?


·         Have you ever smoked?  Do you smoke now? 


·         If so, how much?


·         If you have quit smoking, when did you quit?


·         Why did you quit?    


·         Have you ever used an alternative healing or relaxation method?

         (biofeedback, relaxation, massage, visualization, etc.)?                 


·         If so, which ones?


·         Are you able to perform daily tasks physically without strain or being uncomfortable?


·         If not, how do you cope with this situation?


·         How would you rate your overall health?  (Excellent, Good, Average, Fair, Poor)


·         At what age did your father die? Your mother?


·         What advice would you give others on staying healthy in their later years?


F.  Living Arrangements


·         Do you live in your own home or apartment?                  


·         If so, how many years?                 


·         Do other people share it with you?                   


·         If so, what is their relationship to you?                 


·         How long have your lived with them?                 


·         How do you feel about your living arrangements?


·         What places have you lived longer than 5 years?


G.  Social Contacts


·         Do you enjoy being involved with people?                 


·         Do you prefer being alone most of the time?


·         Do you have someone you can trust and confide in? Who is that person?


·         Are you as socially active now as you were before you reached 60?                 


·         How has your social life changed in the past 10 years?


·         Do you see folks weekly, other than those you live with?                 


·         Do you feel your life is important to other people?


·         If so, how


·         Which of the following activities do you take part in regularly?


            Educational                                    Mental ______           

            Physical                                         Creative_______             

            Religious                                        Other________            

                 Clubs or organizations______


H.  Personal Beliefs


·         Do you often attend a church, synagogue or other place or worship? 


·         Do you pray, meditate or worship in anyway? 


·         If yes, how long have you been doing this?             


·         Do you feel you have achieved your major goals or plans in life?                 


·         What are some of these goals or plans?


·         Are you still working on these or other plans and goals?                 


·         Do you feel basically responsible for how your life has turned out?                 


·         If not, who was responsible for which events?


·         Have you had a “life well spent” without too many regrets? 


·         What do you worry the most about?              


·         Have you thought about death?                 


·         Have you talked with anyone in your family about your burial wishes?                 


·         If so, who?


·         If not, why?                                                                                              


I.  Personal


·         Do you care for a pet?                 


·         If so, what kind?


·         Do you tend a garden or plants?                 


·         Do you make your own decisions about your daily affairs?


·         If not, who does?                                          


·         Do you control or share control of your finances?                 


·         Do you feel you “live comfortably” 


·         Is your income adequate for the things you want to do?


·         Do you have an adequate source of private or public transportation?                 


·         What type of transportation do you use most often?                                                     


·         Are you worried about some particular kind of crime in your daily life?                 


·         If so, what type of crimes worries you the most?


·         What do you do to protect yourself from crime?


·         Do you feel that your life is still filled with interesting things?                 


·         Do you participate in activities just because you enjoy them?                 


·         Which activities do you enjoy the most?


·         Would you tell me one or two accomplishments that you are especially proud of?


·         Would you say that you are happy at this time of life? 


·         What makes you feel good?              


·         Do you feel you’ve achieved most of what you really wanted in life?                 


·         In general, are you satisfied with your life so far?                  



·         If you could go back and change something in your life, what would it be?


·         Why?                                                                   


·         Do you feel that you are aging successfully?                 


·         What advice would you give others so that they might age successfully?


·         What is your secret to aging successfully?


·         What advice would you like to give to young people today?


·         What was the best decision you ever made?


·         Do you have any other comments or thoughts you would like to share?


·         Are there areas this interview did not cover that you feel should be included?