Professor Renee Chevraux, MSW


Course catalog information

Section number 20562
Classroom location This class meets entirely online
Class hours Midnight, Thurs night to Midnight the following Thursday

Course description

In the next 30 years, the population of people over 65 in America will double from 35 million to over 80 million. In this course we will look at many of the transformations and changes that societal aging, of this magnitude, will have on public and private sectors. We will examine the differences between individual aging and societal aging. As you will learn, the aging of our society is both a success and a challenge. The question is…………….. are we prepared for such a dramatic demographic shift in our culture and society?


Moody, Harry. Aging, Concepts And Controversies .5th ed. Thousand Oaks, Pine Forge Press, Ca. Check with the ARC book store for current ISBN number and publication dates.

Here is an excellent web site to complement your studies of the Moody text.

Cox, Harold, ANNUAL EDITIONS: Aging You will need the newest edition of this one too.


Syllabus for current semester will be available the first week of orientation


You must be registered in the class and the orientation will be available to you online. Orientation will take place the week before the course starts. Orientation must be completed by Jan. 23rd before midnight if you wish to remain in the course. Class will begin on Jan. 24th, Friday.

To attend the orientation and participate in the class check Black Board

Other information

This course includes web assignments, online quizzes, and a social topic paper and presentation. Generally, the week’s assignments will start at Midnight on Thurs and conclude at midnight the following Thursday.