ARC Accreditation Timeline
Fall 07
- Recruit and Select Co-Chair
- ACCJC/WASC Workshop
- Identification of Potential Accreditation Gaps
- Appoint Self-Study Standard Chairs
- Selection of Steering Committee
- Initial meeting of Steering Committee
- Timelines and Organization of the Self Study Established
- Planning for Standard Committees
- Develop Surveys for Staff and Students
- Website Established
- Recruitment of Committee Members
Spring 08
- January Accreditation as Convocation topic
- February Student and Staff Surveys Administered
- April District Mapping Completed
- April Training of Committee Members
- May Analysis & Distribution of Survey Responses
Fall 08
- August Accreditation as Convocation Topic
- September Self-Study “Kick Off” Meeting
- Sept/Oct/Nov Prepare Self-Study Draft l
- November College review of Draft 1
Spring 09
- Jan/Feb/March Prepare Self-Study Draft 2
- April College and District Review of Draft 2
- May 1 Final Self-Study Completed
- May Submit to LRCCD Board
- June Printing of Self-Study
- July Self-Study mailed to accreditation team members
Fall 09
- Accreditation as Convocation topic
- Team Visit
Revised November 29, 2007