ARC Accreditation Timeline

Fall 07

  1. Recruit and Select Co-Chair
  2. ACCJC/WASC Workshop
  3. Identification of Potential Accreditation Gaps
  4. Appoint Self-Study Standard Chairs
  5. Selection of Steering Committee
  6. Initial meeting of Steering Committee
  7. Timelines and Organization of the Self Study Established
  8. Planning for Standard Committees
  9. Develop Surveys for Staff and Students
  10. Website Established
  11. Recruitment of Committee Members

Spring 08

  1. January Accreditation as Convocation topic
  2. February Student and Staff Surveys Administered
  3. April District Mapping Completed
  4. April Training of Committee Members
  5. May Analysis & Distribution of Survey Responses

Fall 08

  1. August Accreditation as Convocation Topic
  2. September Self-Study “Kick Off” Meeting
  3. Sept/Oct/Nov Prepare Self-Study Draft l
  4. November College review of Draft 1

Spring 09

  1. Jan/Feb/March Prepare Self-Study Draft 2
  2. April College and District Review of Draft 2
  3. May 1 Final Self-Study Completed
  4. May Submit to LRCCD Board
  5. June Printing of Self-Study

  6. July Self-Study mailed to accreditation team members

Fall 09

  1. Accreditation as Convocation topic
  2. Team Visit

Revised November 29, 2007