





Peer Review Forms

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For Writers

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English 301 Online

Novel Analysis Peer Review

Copy and paste this peer review into your reply to the writer's rough draft.   Use these questions as a guide, but feel free to add any additional comments which might be helpful to the writer.


Reader's Name: 

Writers Name:

1) Review the assignment  requirements.  Read the essay.  In your opinion, does the writer answer the essay assignment in this piece?  Explain.


2) Write the thesis statement here:


3) Does the thesis attempt to prove a specific idea, or is it too general? 


4) What specific evidence does the writer provide to support the thesis?


5) Does the writer explicitly show how this evidence supports his/her view? Are connections made for the reader?


6) Does each paragraph connect with the thesis?



7) Is there additional evidence which the writer has missed?



8) Does the conclusion sum up the writer's point?



9) Give the writer at least one suggestion for improving this paper.