Trials and Tribulations in Bringing a GIS Project to Fruition
Bob Strickland
American River College
Geography 26 - Data Acquisition in GIS - Fall, 1999
student geographic information systems project stays simple and sticks
to the basics and still turns up amazing discoveries about the six supermarkets
located in a defined urban area.
semester I am taking two GIS courses which require projects. Early on,
I settled on a supermarket study for Geography 9 (Introduction to GIS).
As I proceeded to research and collect and manipulate data for the supermarket
project, it occurred to me that this project involved a great enough investment
in time and resources to apply toward the requirements of both Geography
9 and Geography 26 (Data Acquisition). This seems especially useful, because
it gives me the opportunity to discuss in detail the gathering and processing
of data for the Geography 9 supermarket project and the problems encountered
along the way. These projects tend to complement each other. For Geography
26, I discuss both the process and final product of data acquisition;
for Geography 9, I briefly mention how I acquired the data and set up and
demonstrate queries in ArcView of that data. The form for reporting on
the two projects also lead to a useful divergence. The Data Acquisition
course format is HTML (web page), while Geography 9 projects are to be
submitted using a computer presentation format, such as Microsoft PowerPoint,
and a demonstration in ArcView.
Data acquisition is a necessary prerequisite to any geographic information
systems (GIS) project. This paper explores the process of accumulating
data for a supermarket project conducted for my Geography 9 class (Introduction
to GIS); the study would attempt to compare supermarkets based on the prices
they charge their customers . The purpose of that project is to use the
skills and knowledge learned during this, my first, semester in GIS. The
general rule adhered to is summarized by the popular acronym KISS (keep
it simple, stupid) with short but meaningful added
in. The tasks involved are: 1. define the geographic area to be studied;
2. collect and process the relevant spatial data (which must be georeferenced);
3. design and gather the needed (nonspatial) attribute data needed for
price comparisons between supermarkets; 4. draw conclusions, evaluate
the study's methodology, and suggest additional steps to make the study
more valid; and 5. present the project to a body of my peers for their
evaluation and solicit from them suggestions which might improve the conclusions
of the study. My approach to the problem is to use the data which are most
easily and economically accessible and to avoid expenses which would bankrupt
the project.
A guiding principle throughout this project is that "data conversion, like
so many things in life, quickly becomes an exercise in balancing trade-offs.
Normally, you can only have two of the three coveted conversion characteristics
-- good, fast, and cheap -- and must sacrifice the third. You can have
data fast and cheap, but they're not going to be the best possible quality.
You can obtain good data quickly, but they will be expensive. Or, you can
have good data cheaply, but you're not going to get them very fast" (Hohl,
1998:8). This is illustrated in a model.
In any project, managers must select their two highest priorities; the
third will result from that choice. For lack of a better term, I will refer
to this as Hohl's Rule. My experience in this project led to a correlary
for Hohl's Rule: the smaller the project, the more likely all three of
these will be optimized. My project involves a limited amount of time,
few dollars, and tentative results! This brings up a second guiding principle:
when resources are limited, limit the scale of the project accordingly.
Even large projects are often preceded by sample tests.
The greatest opportunity in a project of this kind is to be able to use
the techniques and express the concepts learned during a semester's toil.
The quest for map data and the creation of a working map, as well as the
less satisfactory sources and attempts cast aside, are valuable. My map
production and other uses of ArcView were made possible by my previous
experience with that application; but, mostly, I owe my instructors in
Geography 9 and 25A/B/C (Dale Van Dam and Tom Lupo) and the publishers
of Getting to Know ArcView GIS (1997). Instructors Van Dam and Paul
Veisze (Geography 26) are responsible for my orientation in theories, concepts,
and methods of data acquisition, manipulation, and analysis. My intention
was to plow through the material covered in these courses to recall useful
and relevant material that relates to this project and to record it for
posterity. Murphy has struck again; his law is omnipresent and demands
our attention, to forever play the "what if" game. "If something can go
wrong, it will. And it will go wrong at the worst possible time." Ugly.
But worth being aware of and now reminding me that time has played its
course. DeMers has made a theme of the travel and adventure involved in
the GIS experience. And this rings a familiar bell. Many times in our travels,
we are just on a reconnaissance, finding places where we are not allowed
to remain for long but jotting them down in our memories as sites to be
revisited on the next best occasion. So be it with the current GIS efforts!
Limit Geographic Area of Project. The study area is limited to
include the nearest supermarkets to the American River College vicinity.
This area includes the area bounded by and adjacent to these major streets:
Auburn Boulevard, Madison Avenue, Manzanita Avenue, Fair Oaks Boulevard,
Marconi Avenue, and Watt Avenue. Six stores represent major supermarket
chains within the study area: Albertson's, Safeway, Bel Air, Ralphs, Raley's,
and SavMax. (During the study, "Lucky married Albertson's." The store that
started out as Lucky took on the Albertson's name as a result of a merger
or buy-out. For simplicity's sake, that store is referred to as Albertson's
throughout this paper. Ralphs is the "new kid on the block"; it occupies
the location of a former Albertson''s, closed due to the impending marriage
to Lucky.)
Spatial Data -- Primary Locations. The primary geographic entities
are the supermarkets. I collected GPS (Global Positioning System) data
for each of these with a Garmin 12 XL unit. Tests with this unit by our
class this semester indicate that it is reliable within certain limits,
especially when selective availability is corrected for by using Garmin
add-ons to make use of Coast Guard beacons. My data consisted of single
points recorded in the supermarket parking lots, usually closer to adjacent
streets than to the store itself. I did not correct for selective availability.
When displayed with georeferenced maps of the area, the GPS positions appear
to be "generally" accurate (looks right; certainly never more than 30 meters
off; and never on the wrong side of the street). I also collected a GPS
point on the American River College campus as a central reference point
(the place to start to go shopping). In making my final map for this
project I made use of the "symbol placement compromise" by changing the
locations of my GPS points; I made them more inaccurate by moving
them so that they did not intersect the adjacent streets.
Spatial Data -- Background. For map background, I considered
using files from Geography 26 data bank. Sheridan.bil image is an aerial
photo which includes the project area; but it eats up a lot of computer
space, comes up slowly, and I could not think of how it would be immediately
useful. Sacramento.tif is a scanned map that also has a large size and
too low of a resolution (large pixels). The set of scanned 1:24,000 quads
at first appeared useful -- until I realized that they were not seamless
along their edges. Seamless quads can be purchased locally at California
Surveying and Drafting Supply (4733 Auburn Boulevard, Sacramento); they've
got MapTech (all of northern California for $319.00 but probably
not georeferenced), DeLorme TopoUSA (at $99 for the whole country, probably
not useful for GIS), and Garmin MapSource (1:100,000 quads that load into
their GPS). The best product I've seen is Sure!MAPS RASTER (seamless
and georeferenced; available from GeoWarehouse on the internet at
To stay within the budget (zero dollars), I decided against buying commercial
Then I decided to digitize the freeways and major streets within the project
area. This produced shapefiles for the freeways
and major streets, making it unnecessary to use the georeferenced quads.
This worked out well. But I found that I could improve the map by
trashing what I had at this point and starting over, because I found the
TIGER files for Sacramento County to be available from the SACOG (Sacramento
Area Council of Governments) web page (http:\\ My project
is projected in Teale Albers, and the SACOG TIGER files are unprojected
Lat/Lon. I was able to build a Teale Albers projection of the SACOG TIGER
files in Arc View. ArcView includes an extension for projecting vector
files. It is not loaded in the ArcView Extensions until the user moves
it (prjctr.avx) from esri\av_gis30\arcview\samples to esri\av_gis30\arcview\ext32.
After projecting the county TIGER shapefile to Teale Albers, I clipped
the project area from it, using the rectangle graphics tool, "Select Features
from Graphics" button, and Theme|Convert to Shapefile in ArcView. MyClip
shows the progress to this point.
I then worked with the TIGER clip of the project area to select the major
geographic features. Within ArcView, I used the Query Builder and Theme|Convert
to Shapefile to create themes for freeways, major streets, and creeks.
To the view, I then added the Locations by GPS theme. A little more editing
and adding symbology resulted in the final map
layout for the project:
Time Frame. Data were collected during the period October 15
through December 12, 1999.
Data Collection Intervals. My intention was to revisit each
store once a week during the project's lifetime; however, it immediately
became obvious that such an effort would exceed project resources. This
resulted in a compromise, where I collected prices from a single store
(Albertson's) over a period of six weeks and of all six stores on
two occasions, at the beginning and end of the project (referred to as
Slice 1 and Final Slice and coinciding with supermarket weeks including
October 15 and December 3). This gives us an idea of how the six stores
compare at two slices in time and how prices change over time at a single
supermarket. In this report, only the first slice is illustrated in order
not to overwhelm the reader with charts.
Grocery List and Shopping Cart. I arbitarily selected 38 items
from among four categores: dairy, produce, grocery, and household.
These included eggs, milk, cottage cheese, and yogurt; bananas, lettuce,
cauliflower, and potatoes; bottled water, juice, coffee, vegetable oil,
olive oil, ketchup, mayonaise, peanut butter, flour, sugar, macaroni, spaghetti
pasta, spaghetti sauce, rice, pinto and black beans, corn flakes, raisin
bran, and canned tuna; and, finally, laundry detergent and toilet
tissue. The choice of these particular items was mostly random, with a
vague plan to cast a net somewhat widely. In some cases, specific brands
were targeted (e.g., Wesson oil in 24 ounce size and 1/2 gallon size of
Breyers Ice Cream). In most cases, I selected the lowest price brand that
fitted the general description of the item (e.g., taking the lower price
of Post or Kellogg's raisin bran). Some items had to be dropped off
the list when I found that one or more stores did not carry an equivalent
item. I eventually made up a "shopping list" composed of one or more items
from the grocery list. It was from this list (or cartful of items) that
I compared supermarket prices. If you have Microsoft Excel, you can pull
up a sample of one of the spreadsheets I used by clicking
here. It shows Albertson's prices at Slice 1 and the Shopping Cart
Data on Prices. As expected, the acquisition of nonspatial data
was the most time consuming. Early on I learned to empathize with and admire
those valient clerks who persevere and serve with wonderous smiles, as
they ply their 8-to-9 hour work day over those hard concrete floors. To
collect comparative price data, I prepared a hardcopy form with a list
of 38 grocery items. An entire day (10/15/99) was required for data
collection during Week 1; subsequent pricing visits required a minimum
of 30 minutes in the store (not counting travel time). An additional
30 minutes or so would be required to enter the data in three separate
Excel spreadsheets for each visit.
Attribute Table. I brought up the View in ArcView, selected
my Locations by GPS theme, and brought up the attribute table for that
theme. I edited the table to include an additional field, my key field,
for each of the located points.
Related Tables. One of my goals was to build a database which
would include a number of different tables with information about the supermarkets
(address, phone number, etc.) and their prices.
Charting Prices. I constructed charts in ArcView to compare
Photographs. I took digital photographs of each supermarket.
In most cases, the photo is taken in the parking lot at the location where
the supermarket GPS point was recorded.
Summary. Slice 1 of the study shows a consistent pattern: highest
prices were at Bel Air and lowest prices were at SavMax. One surprise
was that there was such a wide disparity between Shopping Cart prices for
Bel Air and Raley's, two affiliated supermarkets. That led me to collect
prices for a second slice at the end of the project's lifetime. To keep
matters simple (usually but not always the best idea), I will stick to
the shopping strategy which focuses on lowest prices (choosing store brands,
along with all sale prices). In such a comparison, in Slice 1 the Shopping
Cart at Bel Air totaled $101.40 to Raley's $90.97. The Final Slice found
these two stores closer together with totals of $102.00 and $98.62, respectively.
Safeway was the Final Slice low price winner for folks who are willing
to join their club and stock up (by buying two when the offer is "Buy One,
Get One Free." The lowest prices on the Shopping Cart for Slice 1 were
SavMax ($87.67) and Safeway ($90.75); and for the Final Slice, Safeway
($88.27) and SavMax ($90.57). The Super Shopper's quest for lowest prices
for the Shopping Cart was consistently just under $76.00 in both slices.
For Excel spreadsheets showing Shopping Cart lowest prices due to buying
store brands and discounted items, click on: Slice
1 or Final Slice.
Click to see a map showing the supermarket
locations. (This map is a reminder only; it's the same as the "final map"
Click on the supermarkets to see a photo: Albertson's,
Air, Raley's,
and SavMax
Different Strokes for Different Folks. People are different.
This study tries to compare prices for people who might make different
choices in the market place. Some customers will stick with national or
regional brand names, steering free of store brands for the most part.
We show comparisons for these people -- when some of the items are on sale
and what the price would have been if the full price had been charged.
Some customers focus only on prices; we show how they fare in their quest
for "lowest price." If you look closely, you will even find the "super
shopper," who goes from store to store, looking for the lowest of the low.
Good luck on your sanity as you navigate the Slice 1 charts which follow!
Shopping cart total: National and regional brand products at
full price: Compare!
Shopping cart total: National and regional brand products with
some sale items: Compare!
Shopping cart total: Any brand to get the lowest price: Compare!
Shopping cart total: The determined super shopper saves a bundle
of dollars (probably at extreme cost to everything else in her life!) by
bouncing from store to store to find the lowest overall price. Compare!
A second look: The above charts emphasize differences
in total price. Here is what Slice 1 price totals would look like
when we chart from zero dollars: N-R Brands,
with Sale Items, Low Price Leader.
The analysis of supermarket prices is difficult due to the many pricing
strategies used by different stores. Price variables include store brands,
simple sale prices (e.g., an item on sale for $1.79), complex sale prices
(e.g., "buy one, get one free" or "get $0.50 gift certificate with
purchase of two cans of soup"), and "club" prices which exclude "nonmembers"
from most sale items. The project tried to reflect prices as they would
affect different types of customers: (1) those who would buy only well
known national or regional brands, (2) those who would shop only a single
store but always choose the "low price," and (3) those shoppers who are
willing to shop multiple stores for the "super low price."
In this project, the "low price" shopper is considered to be
a customer who is willing to join the club, buy in quantity if necessary,
or put up with anything in order to get the lower price. Coupons were not
considered in the current study, because this factor is expected to apply
across the board; no known instance of "double coupons" was encounered.
No-label brands, overstocks, damaged containers, or close-dated perishable
foods were not knowingly encountered during the project.
No firm conclusions can be drawn at this time, except to note the simple,
tentative comparisons above. For the most part, this project followed the
advice expressed by DeMers (1997:428). Methodology furnished a framework.
Literature was reviewed. Field work was carried out properly and in a timely
fashion. Computations were made. Analyses were a little flakey and can
be improved upon. And the paper is written.
The conslusions above are tentative at best. The study is flawed in almost
every direction. The comparisons made are only for the items selected for
the study and only for the the time periods mentioned above. A different
shopping list would result in differences in total prices. The data were
checked for accuracy; still undetected errors are likely. In addition,
prices make up only one of a number of factors which lead shoppers to one
store instead of another. These include proximity (convenience of being
nearby or on one's travel route), felt "cleanliness" or "orderliness,"
choice of products, customer-clerk-manager-store relations, and "ambiance"
in general. A friend of mine once said, "Please don't ask me to read the
ingredients or look at the prices."
Clarke, Keith C., 1997. Getting Started with Geographic Systems.
Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc.
DeMers, Michael N., 1997. Fundamentals of Geographic Information
Systems. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
ESRI, 1997. Getting to Know ArcView GIS. Redlands, California:
Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.
Hernandez, Michael J., 1997. Database Design for Mere Mortals.
Berkeley, California: Addison-Wesley Developers Press.
Hohl, Pat, ed., 1998. GIS Data Conversion. Santa Fe, New
Mexico: OnWord Press.
Robinson, Arthur H., Joel L. Morrison, Phillip C. Muehrcke, A.
Jon Kimerling, and Stephen C. Guptill, 1995. Elements of Cartography,
edition. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.